The Fireside Bowl is drenched in memories from the thousands upon thousands of people that have entered the space. My thesis project, The Fireside Bowl Project, is an installation documenting the rich history of a Chicago landmark. The project includes an installation of 30 letterpress printed posters based on a collection of past show-goers' first-hand stories, a zine that acts as a key to the posters, personal photographs from a dozen different people, and about 75 miscellaneous posters (including prints of bowling pins and over-printed posters). In the same vein as traditional show posters, the posters for this project are meant to document the personal experiences at the venue, giving back the community its own opportunity to document this loved and lost space.
I plan on continuing to collect stories and create posters. I have plans to show a new set of 30 posters in the fall. On an even grander scale I hope to write a book about The Fireside, that would include my gathered stories from past show-goers and create a website to catalog ephemera from The Fireside. (e-mail your story to firesidebowlproject@gmail.com)

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