the calm before the storm

i can pack a ton of stuff in a small space!

andrea hanging tough.
showing off the green sash we had to wear to let people know who the hall monitors were at
i didn't really watch bands during the day. i hate big crowds and big stages. i spent most of my time between
depart-ment and the
southern records/
permanent records corner of the record tent. my lunch for two days consisted of soy mint chocolate chip ice cream from
temptation. both days different boys at that tent gave me my ice cream with a super discount. no complaints here! oh and flagstock was pretty sweet. my favorite was
landland, hands down. i got
bff and
mountain goats posters. everything of theirs was so amazing, it was hard to decide what to get!

on friday i saw chicago's finest...
mahjongg play at the hideout with the ever so amazing
Health! its going on the best shows of the year list for sure!

saturday night i biked really fast to schubas after pitchfork to see
Abe Vigoda (shown above) and one of my favorite bands right now
High Places (defiantly go to their myspace and download their songs, you will not be disappointed!). i was very excited that this show ended at 1am. i was so exhausted. but then half way home there was a terenchal downpour! it took me an hour and a half to get home! boo rain!

the only bands i did end up watching at pitchfork played early on sunday...
times new vikingHigh PlacesHealthnot only did i get a little sunburned on my back/neck (i forgot the sunscreen there), i ran into a girl that bought one of my shirts at depart-ment. she was a little creeped out a first when i ran over to her with my camara but then when i told her i made the shirt she got really excited and let me photograph her.
by sunday night i was ready for a cold shower and early bed time (compared to the last two nights of 3am).
good times.